The combination of investments you hold in your portfolio can be as important as each specific investment that comprises it.  Every investment and investment type has particular strengths and weaknesses that qualify it to play a certain role in your asset allocation, allowing you to create an effective and cohesive overall financial strategy.  


  • Balancing how much of each investment you should include in your portfolio is one of your most important tasks as an investor. 
  • Many investors can easily fall into the trap of having their money allocated in ways that will not best serve their goals, their risk tolerances or their time horizons. 
  • Many also are exposed to much more risk in their portfolio than they intend to be. 

Craft a portfolio that aligns with your personal preferences and priorities.  Begin with this 5-minute questionnaire that will help to pinpoint your exact Risk Number and start taking the guesswork out of your financial future.

Free Portfolio Risk Analysis




NASA Federal Credit Union members receive the benefit of complimentary, no obligation consultations from our experienced team of CFS* Financial Advisors and can review your investment strategies and asset allocation to help you ensure your portfolio is designed to meet your ultimate planning goals.

Connect with your CFS advisor to schedule your complimentary consultation: